Digital Wallet

After releasing our 5.0 version of the PayPal consumer app, representing a significant shift in mobile payments within the industry, the company and my team set out to replace the physical wallet.

We started with our customers.

There were the apparent motivations:

  • Saving money

  • Saving time

  • Security and Control

The layer below this is needed to better understand people and develop empathy for their daily struggles.What overwhelms them, what needs control, what creates stress, and so on. Our customers range from people carrying a phone and a couple cards to those with two to three wallets to manage all their cards and coupons. Preparing to shop is a significant task for some and, for others, far more serendipitous.

From this information, we were able to develop a solid understanding of the personas that represented our target segments. 


  • Design Lead for conceptualization and project

  • Project and usability testing planning


From the time we spent with customers, we really ended up with two extreme yet related archetypes to consider:


Hates to carry a fat wallet, so she keeps what she carries down to a smartphone and a couple of cards. It bothers her that she's losing out on the savings available through loyalty rewards programs and coupons, but not enough to try and manage everything. Sophia's primary motivation is saving time.


Driven by getting the deal. Aiden keeps several wallets to manage all of his rewards programs and coupons he collects. He couldn't keep them all in one wallet, so he carried a second one in his car and a file folder of coupons at home. He just has a tendency to forget them when he needs them. Aiden's primary motivation is saving money. 

Problems to address:

  • Allow for digitizing all payment methods, including; bank accounts, credit, debit, co-branded, and privately labeled credit cards.

  • Simplify the collection and storage of rewards programs and coupons.

  • Create a smart wallet by presenting balances on all cards and accounts.

Existing version of PayPal Wallet

Prototype, Test, and Iterate



  • Ability to store all card types

  • Automated entry through scanning

  • Balances for some card types

  • Merchant specific preferences

Not addressed for 2014:

  • Adding bank accounts in the app

  • 100% coverage for card balances

  • Intelligent organization of wallet and filtering


PayPal has experienced a 4% increase in activated accounts (accounts with financial instruments added).

Sophia gets to keep her small wallet and still save time. Her added bonus is that she can now take advantage of savings and rewards programs. Scanning these into her phone means she can always have them with her, and they're easily accessed when she needs them. 

Similarly, Aiden can quickly scan everything into his phone and continue to benefit from the money savings. But now he doesn't have to worry about remembering them because he always has them.

This is a win for both of our personas. Next, they need to be able to easily use their wallets, and we addressed this by focusing on enhancements to the Mobile Payments experience.


PayPal: Enhanced Payments


PayPal: Mobile In-Store Payments